Sunday, 30 March 2014

Captain America: The Winter Solider

Goood afternoon! Today was an awesome day because I got to see Captain America! I know what your thinking... you didn't go see it the day it came out? I know and my brother beat me too it! that is a rare occasion! So obviously I am going to talk about it and avoid all major spoilers as best as I can but there will be a few things that I will need to talk about but if your a comic book reader then some of the stuff should be pretty obvious such as the Winter Soldiers true identity.

If you enjoyed the first Avenger, then you'll love this or if you weren't too fussed about it then you'll be surprised by it in the most positive way imaginable! I quite enjoyed Captain America but I thought it lacked something but this sequel blew it out of the sky!
There aren't many leads that refer back to the events of the Avengers which I liked because I didn't want it to be mentioned at all because it was the main talking point of Iron Man 3 and it would be unfair to divert back to the event; losing focus.
What is great and also surprising is the amount of time it refers back to the first film, we see flash backs involving Tommy Lee Jones and Peggy but what is also really interesting is the museum dedicated to the captain and it actually plays an important part in the post credit scene teasing another Captain America film. There are so many reoccurring characters such as Peggy, Zola and Captains team who helped him stop Red skull and it was great to see Rogers try and blend into this strange new reality but I'm glad they made time for the old cast although I would have loved to have seen Roger explore society a bit more however there is a very funny moment where we see a list of things that Steve is attempting to catch up with, Star wars being included along with Sean Connery (what would you add to Steve's list??)

The basic plot of the film is that Hydra are back in action and they have their secret weapon called the winter soldier although comic fans will know who he is immediately. The winter soldier is sent to stop Steve whilst shield collapses around him and secrets from the past become clear. Ooooh gripping! Its actually very interesting how events add up especially one that has a connection with Iron man 2 so keep a lookout for that one. But I had no idea how much the first film would impact the sequel especially when this one is set roughly 70 years later, so it was very interesting to see how things developed and this new threat was actually very very dangerous, the winter soldier was just the pawn in the whole scheme.

The cast didn't change much, you still had Chris Evans, Scarlett, Samuel L Jackson and Cobie Smulders but there were some extra's such as Peggy's daughter and Falcon who was really cool especially when we got to see him as THE falcon but he does offer a lot of fun to the film and I hope they keep him ready for Captain America 3 or even Avengers. The main event was definitely the conflict between Cap and The Winter soldier, their first introduction is awesome because we get to see how powerful Bucky is but its not until later that Steve recognises him and the story becomes a lot more interesting, he definitely has a lot of questions that he needs answering but he's going to war against a friend who no longer remembers him and that creates some very cool scenes plus no one actually knows who he is, the winter solider is but a ghost. I was really impressed by Sebastian Stan's portrayal of a very different character compared to the innocent patriot in the First Avenger so I think he tackled it brilliantly, he looked great, he was strong and his character changed a few times but he was just an awesome character who kicked Steve around quite a lot.

The action was flawless! a few clips have gone round that show Steve on a boat and the whole scene is epic! we've never seen Steve like this before, he has a new costume and he is a better fighter compared to what we saw in Avengers which frankly wasn't enough. You see Cap throw his shield into peoples faces before launching them overboard with a light kick, it was great to see Captain America in action on his own like we've never seen him before and it only gets better!
We see Steve destroy a Quinjet with ease, take on 11 guys in an elevator, go up against a mini gun and finally confront the Winter Solider which is an epic fight. There is also quite an iconic scene which Comic fans may be familiar with where the Winter Solider uses the shield, this is a clear "easter egg" to when Bucky becomes Captain America so it was nice that the director was thinking about true fans who read the comics, even the littlest of things make us happy such as Stan Lee's infamous cameo. But I was really impressed by the fighting choreography between a few of the characters Cap and Bucky being the main ones but Black widow sure kicked ass but I was genuinely amazed by the amount of damage each character took, Steve probably gets it the worst but being awesome he manages to fight back.
I can't forget the CGI! although a lot of it was practical like Steve running through a building destroying doors there was actually one particular scene which used very complex effects and my god it looked fantastic, lets just say it looks like a good old classic ship battle between 3 Helicarrier's. Its just an awesome scene! its a great end to a film.

Overall I give the latest Marvel film an 8/10, the fighting was amazing, characters were great and the story was very complex which teases Avengers 2 and Captain America 3. Please do stay for the credits if your interested in Avengers 2 or if your interested to see the fate of the Winter Solider then stay till the very end (if not, I'm sure there on YouTube by now)
I guess the only thing I saw that was wrong in my opinion is that we didn't see enough of Steve trying to be normal, I would have liked to have seen that a lot.
But definitely go see it if your a Captain America fan or just a Marvel fan, its up there with the greats! I'm not sure I mentioned this but if you were a fan of the old Captain america suit... you'll get to see it again!

Thanks for reading!
Until Next time :)

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