Saturday, 7 September 2013

Kick Ass 2

I was both anxious and excited for this film. me Luke and Heather had a discussion about sequels that are better than the first film; i mean its a rare thing. but here is a mini list:
Spider-man 2
The Dark knight
Sherlock Holmes 2 a game of shadows
and I can now add Kick Ass 2 to the list.
I will be honest, I wasn't expecting much because the first one was OK but nothing special, this however is 10 times better, think of it like the avengers apart from a bunch of powerless kids come together to form a group to stop crime, that is essentially the plot of the film, the good guys are building an army and the "Motherfucker" is building an army of more dangerous psychopaths like Mother-Russia. Following Big Daddy's death Mindy tries to live a normal life which just fails and its then that she realises that she is Hit girl whilst Kick Ass is taking his job more seriously its not long before we see Hit Girl and Kick Ass training together which is quite a fun scene, the whole film is full of ridiculous humour, awful fighting and bad language but that is what kick ass is, its terrible superheroes trying to be heroic and they don't fail to be honest they just tend to leave too many bodies... with no pulses (superman would be ashamed)
I think the thing I like most about Kick ass is that its not a serious film and I bet it would have been so much fun to film especially when you look at the cast, you have Jim Carrey who I like but I prefer Christopher Mintz who I just think is really funny especially in Role Models, but in Kick ass he is a funny character to look at because of his... choice of costume which is very memorable and quite haunting. After reading the comics I realised that they kept to it very well unlike some books but i guess with a graphic novel its different because they are shorter and too be honest... the hard work was done for them, costumes were already designed they type of characters were done but they did a brilliant job bringing it all to the big screen well and I'm really glad that they did tone down the gore

I really enjoyed the film, its funny and has a lot of cool violence and blood. I think what made the experience better is that everyone in the cinema laughed as well, i've seen a lot of comedies and at so called funny bits not a lot of people laughed i think its because comedies try to hard to be funny whereas Kick ass 2 was generally funny it didn't go over the top. I do recommend this to any superhero and comedy fan, its a great film but not something i would watch with my parents mainly because they have a different taste in movies but we all share a sense of humor, we are all messed up so they might find it funny.
I give it a 7/10 which i think is fair, obviously some of you may find it amazing or even shit.
I almost forgot... say behind for the credits.

well sorry it was a short one but i've been quite busy this week and a tad lazy.
i'm not sure when my next one will be as i am starting college but i will definitely fit one in next week
thanks for reading
until next time :D

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