Thursday, 25 July 2013


ahhh Wolverine, one of the best x-men characters ever and certainly one of the best characters brought to life with the help of the brilliant Hugh Jackman who has portrayed weapon X 7 times, that just shows how much he enjoys the role and I know it must be a lot of work... just look at those abs!
anyway onto the awesome film, The wolverine is set after the events of The Last stand which resulted in Logan executing Jean Gray after the Phoenix took over, he quits the X-men and wonders the earth lost and alone , that is until he seemingly forgotten past catches up with him. It is revealed that Logan was there during the bombing of Nagasaki in which he saved a troop who treated him kindly whilst he was imprisoned for unknown reasons. The troop looks up to the mysterious being and vows to repay him. Logan's time has come to accept his reward but all is not what it seems and Logan must fight for his life to save himself and many others from the Silver Samurai, Logan goes through a life changing experience which teaches him about pain, allows him to love again and value his life more with sacrifices.
This offers a more detailed insight to the indestructible mutant, and although he has had 7 astonishing appearances and his own movie which was ok but nothing compared to this as it offered a more emotional story of the life Logan has lived and it makes you think, would being indestructible be cool? Logan has lived through so much crap and this film gives him an offer that may end him pain but will the upcoming events change his perspective, as always Hugh Jackman is buff and awesome, he is literally the perfect wolverine and I find it crazy that the role was not originally his. I think what makes this film better compared to his other roles is that he is fighting for his life, there is no healing and the enemy is by far the most dangerous foe he has encountered because there is that risk of him being beaten and without spoiling much, its pretty close although the healing problem is solved and from the trailers it was very unclear how he loses his ability but it turns out to be a very clever twist which involves one of the newest characters called Viper who is also a mutant... you may even be able to guess her powers and abilities.
compared to the origin film the CGI has improved and so has the fighting, wolverine is up against Ninja's you can just imagine how cool it is, towards the end Logan is literally shot in the back with about 100 arrows to slow him down; it's a very intense scene showing the raw power of the Wolverine and his return to the real world we get to see the wolverine not this moping guy thats wonders alone although he has a bear friend but that doesn't end well :( actually it's a really sad scene.
there were a few things that annoyed me a bit however I cannot talk about them because they are major features in the story but the important thing is that I enjoyed it and it was a brilliant introduction to a line of films based on the Wolverine which I hope will contain a few more sequels, one is in talks right now... as we speak... right this second so I'm hoping its going to be a great story that may give Logan a worthy adversary.
A bit more about Wolverine that I would like to point out is that it is based in Japan which is pretty cool and although that film has quite a serious tone to it the film still continues to explore the funny side of Wolverine.
Overall I give the film 7/10 because it was a great film and it really showed off the wolverine compared to the other X-men which focused more on the whole "team" ppfftt we want wolverine! and thats exactly what we got. It definitely leaves some questions unanswered which was annoying but needed especially with the post credit scene it left it open for the newly anticipated days of future past which will see Wolverine unite with a few familiar faces.
well thats all for today :)
Until next time my friends

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