Well well well, i know a lot of you may disagree with me but i think this needs to be done :) actually i don't think anyone will agree haha
So the film came out in 2009 and it was a break through in movie technology, and don't get me wrong it was i mean the effects were outstanding. James Cameron spent a lot of time on this film, he started producing it in 1994 which shocks me but obviously due to the technology back then he was forced to wait.
The general plot of the film is that this guys brother dies and is actually not affected by the death for some strange reason and he takes his brothers place on this project to a planet called Pandora. The aim in Pandora is to extract a material called Unobtanium which appears to be obtainable so it should be called Obtanium :p
There is a chunk of Unobtanium under a tree that is home to the species called the Na'vi so Jake uses the avatar which takes the mind of the pilot and puts it in a Na'vi. His goal is to move the Na'vi so they can destroy the tree. Guess what happens? he falls in love and spends way too much time in the avatar; he learns their ways and eventually becomes one of the people. Jake ends up fighting for the Na'vi after they destroy the tree and threaten to destroy another sacred tree with a shit load of explosives. And thats that really, i probably missed loads but i wanted to talk about the film and why i didn't like it.
Ok, the cast were brilliant; i am a huge fan of Sam Worthington and Sigourney Weaver and i really liked the woman who i only recognize from Star Trek. The most amazing thing about the film was of course the effects; it was brilliant how they did it and the final result was stunning however I just felt that it was a boring and predictable film that had no element of tension or surprise. I mean the villain was predictable, he had a huge scar on his face that has "i'm the bad guy" written all over it. It was obvious that Jake was going to fall in love and turn against his own kind... who does that?!?!?
but the main problem i had was that it was boring, i think it had the potential to have some awesome action scenes but don't get me wrong the final battle is pretty cool but i think it needed more in between. Another thing is that it was very long, its just under 3 hours and the battle is about 25 minutes.
Don't get me wrong i enjoyed it but its a film i can only watch once; i've seen it twice in 4 years whereas a film like Man of steel i've already seen 3 times. I just don't feel that its a film that i can watch over and over, and i also don't think it should have got the response it got. Its the second highest grossing film ever which i think is understandable but i disagree with it, i think everyone wanted to see it because it was built up to be AMAZING and because the technology used was new.
if i had to list the good points about the film it would be:
CGI, final battle and cast
obviously i am not expecting you to agree its just my opinion and i'm not saying its an awful film like some critics do but i felt that i needed to review a film i did not particularly enjoy; if you enjoyed the film thats brilliant, i just didn't like.
well thanks for reading :)
hopefully i still have viewers ;)
until next time
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