Saturday, 26 October 2013


On Friday I bought the highly anticipated Batman Game called Arkham Origins based on the early years of the caped crusader, unfortunately I didn't play it a lot because I was at college then I was with Luke, Heather and Grant which is always fun :) they mean the world to me and I'm glad I gave up a bit of my Xbox time for them :P

Anyway I haven't played a lot but I thought I would discuss what I have seen so far, Black mask has escaped from prison and has sent 8 assassins after Batman, Batman decides to find penguin who will know where is his but he's hit a few dead ends by being delayed by the Riddler who is being called Enigma at the moment and other things like crimes and general disturbances that he picks up. All ready you can tell that Batman is in his early stages because he's a lot more angry especially during interrogations and the fighting seems a lot more aggressive; he is very different compared to Arkham City.
The fighting hasn't been altered a lot which is good but there are more enemies like street fighters who can counter your counter (COUNTERCEPTION)  but I haven't ran into them... yet.
the villains I have fought up to now are:
Killer Croc
and Penguin but you don't fight him, the cut scene shows you beat him up which is really cool and very aggressive.

Killer Croc was a very cool fight especially for the first boss, you get close and personal with him unlike in Arkham Asylum where he would run at you. The Electrocutioner was strange as you defeat him with 1 kick to the face but i feel that its not over between them. My favourite fight at the moment has got to be with Deathstroke, he is so awesome and finally we come face to face, the brilliant thing about this boss is that he is your equal and watching the counters and attacks that look so fluent makes a really nice fight which i would happily repeat.

the improvements in the game are amazing, the map is huge, a lot bigger than Arkham City but you can still visit the sites from Arkham city which is a really nice addition to the game, in terms of the costume i would say that it is an improvements, its Dark Knight meets Arkham City, it looks fantastic. The graphics as well have definitely improved especially in the cut scene's which are always nice to watch. An aspect that Asylum introduced but City avoided was the infamous Bat cave, now you have full access to it including Alfred and the Batwing, the funny thing as well is that the Batmobile is in production so its nice that its there to look at and it shows how early this game is set, as well as the Batwing the combat training area has been introduced where you can do the challenges either as Batman or Deathstroke or you can just practise moves, it also allows you to select a costume to use but this can also be done in the Batcave for the campaign, similar to the Dark knight costume display that rises from the ground it also gives you a really nice view of the new costume.

As I pre ordered the Game I could play as Deathstroke, he is very cool but his moves remind me a lot of Robin and its annoying that he doesn't use his swords but I guess you cant because its a no killing zone, but Deathstroke's fluent moves are brilliant and very aggressive, I love the new challenge which is 1 vs 100, its a great idea and an awesome way to show off your skills and build a huge combo but there are too many god damn shields.

Overall the game is AMAZING, I love batman's new voice and the dialogue in it, if you listen you will always hear some entertaining stories and connections to other characters. I have only done 26% so I expect the game to become a lot better and for the crusaders suit to become more damaged as he takes on the rest of the assassins and locates the "deceased" Black Mask.

thanks for reading.
Until Next time :)

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