The whole Battlefield franchise is unique in a way that separates itself from other war games like Call of Duty, I think they introduce a sense of realism to the scenery and the atmosphere, and we all know that graphics are important they definitely impact the game play and I'm not saying that Call of Duty is rubbish I just think Battlefield is a more realistic game thanks to the graphics and I think they help me play the game differently; let me explain.
in call of duty I will run into a mission guns blazing but when I play Battlefield I will play it strategically, I will hide behind walls and take it slow but in call of duty I don't care.
here's a comparison to how I play.
Call of Duty- look there are 10 guys over there with AK-47's... I'm gunna run at them... with a knife
Battlefield- look there are 10 guys over there with AK-47's... I'm going to find cover and take them out individually.
I'm not sure if its just me but I think the Graphics cause me to do that because I feel like I'm in a real world. What I like most and I hope you agree with me is the fact you can destroy buildings, walls will collapse and your cover will slow decrease which is just awesome. Here are 2 images of the graphics from Battlefield 4.
I apologise if they are a bit small, but I think you can click on them. so to the left is a comparison and it is brilliant, Battlefield 3 was great but now they've really stepped their game up and to the right just shows that Battlefield have the ability to create some really beautiful scenes I especially like the lens flare.
moving on to Crysis 3
Crysis 3
Crysis 3 is a brilliant game and its set in a kinda apocalyptic world this already creates the challenge of creating a believable world of destruction and they execute it brilliantly, there are destroyed buildings, crushed cars and rust but the main important thing they emphasise in this game is the greenery and weather, sometimes is will be raining which impacts the background and sometimes it will be a clear day but back to the greenery because it covers most of the landscape the designers really made sure it looked great, the grass waves as you move through it and water ripples nicely as you step in a puddle. another nice thing are the explosions in the game they are not the best I've seen (that goes to halo) but they are very cool! all these create a really nice game that is supported by character graphics and the game play itself, who doesn't want to run around with a combat bow?
I really hope they make Crysis 4 I can tell that the graphics will be improved especially if it comes out onto the new consoles. Here are some images of the amazing graphics.
I would recommend this game because it's very different and its a lot of fun, your basically a kick ass super soldier which is awesome. Finally moving onto my last option which is Batman
Batman Arkham Origins
Being a batman fan I just had to bring this in and I think it is well deserved, Origins has definitely improved its graphics especially in the cut scenes which are stunning but the only criticism I have is Alfred's lip when he speaks, I couldn't find an image but the top lip just lifts up way too much!
The best thing they have introduced is the weather and snow, the blistering winds impact and effect the cape and environment which is pretty cool but when snow lays on roof tops and the floor footprints will be imprinted with a very realistic crunch sound, it looks fantastic and I'm really thrilled they introduced it. But this game does have its cons like little bugs so far I have only ran into a few but they are apparently working on fixing them so fingers crossed.
Unlike some games the graphics are very important but for me this game is all about the game play and fighting but I doubt it would be the same with the graphics, during fights which are very detailed and quite brutal Batman's cape will be effected by movement and since Asylum this aspect has improved. This game is absolutely amazing and although the games graphics may not be considered the best they have definitely improved which is why I love them so much, because in a series you start to compare
"ooh this never happened in Arkham City"
here are some images that I liked, the top one demonstrates both the weather and lighting and the footprints, these were all created during the fight, my guess is from dodging and jumping. And the bottom image shows the difference between the Joker from Asylum and Origins.
Well thats all today, there were a load more on the list, here are the others:
Assassins Creed
Tomb Raider
Call of Duty
and finally an old but fun game, X-men wolverine, it was awesome and i loved the way his flesh grew back and the way it deteriorated.
Hope you enjoyed, please comment your favourite Graphics from any console :)
Until next time
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