I do really like the Star wars films (even the prequels) and I have played a lot of the games like the Force Unleashed which is an amazing game, unfortunately my knowledge on the characters isn't as great compared to real fans. Honestly one thing I love about Star Wars are the fans, their brilliant! they know their stuff and they know what a good Halloween costume looks like.
The main thing that drew me into the Star wars films was of course the lightsaber's and the powers like lightning and force; it would be awesome to have these abilities. The lightsaber's are just amazing, the hilts are well designed and some of the colours look great although in the film I would have loved to have seen a black one; that would have been cool. I also love the fact that Samuel L Jackson was like "F*** you lot, I want a purple one"
Today I wanted to talk about some of my favourite Jedi's and Sith's but I will only be talking about the ones I know well so if your reading with a dumbstruck face like "where is Darth Malgus" all I know is that he's in the old republic games... thats all. I will also be doing my favourite Jedi's so I'm thinking maybe 3 from each otherwise this will go on forever.
Darth Maul
I think we can all agree that Darth Maul is a fan favourite!
Ray park is very athletic which was clearly shown in prequel with cool stunts he also showed us that to be "awesome" you need a double bladed lightsaber... and he was right. Not only was he skilled with his lightsaber but he looks amazing (he's very short though) he has horns on his head, a giant black cloak, yellow eyes and a red face; what's not to love! As well as looking like a total bad ass he also took on 2 Jedi's at the same time successfully killing Qui Gon Jin who is a very very powerful Jedi considering he learnt the secret to immortality.
However Darth Maul does have his downsides, if you read about him he is a very interesting character with a bad past despite this not being mentioned that is not the main problem, the main problem is that he is so reclusive and dull, no offence but he doesn't speak a lot and he has limited facial expressions. I just think this character could have been explored more and possibly used more to show off his true power, this Sith lord was trained by Sideous and Krakko he definitely deserved more screen time. Saying that he has been resurrected in the animated series that has managed to explore the character more plus his new design which featured spider legs and legs similar to General Grievous is pretty cool. I think it would be good idea to possibly feature him in the new star wars films if the time line makes sense.
Galen Marek/ Star Killer

OK, before I start I have decided to make Galen a mixture of Jedi and Sith because he does redeem himself if you choose the right path on the game, so I guess it all comes down to whether you chose the "light" or "dark" side. As a Jedi he is Galen but as a Sith he is Star Killer so I personally prefer him as Star killer (its a cool name). The reason he's in this post is that I was a big player of the games and his character was awesome! he had depth and skill let alone being portrayed by a very talented actor who gave us a mixture of performances, this gave us a lot of great cut scenes especially in Force Unleashed 2. He may not be the strongest Sith but he is powerful and very skilled with 2 lightsabers, there's a pattern growing here- the more saber's you have the better you are. I don't know if others have done it but Star Killer ripped a star destroyer out of the sky using the force, if thats not true power then I don't know what is!
If you have played the games then you know that you only grow stronger, your lightning abilities become devastatingly strong and your force push is unbelievable and as you play you take out a lot of great Jedi's like general Kota (kinda)
Did I mention he kicked both Vaders and Sidious's ass? well he did, surely that counts for something! I seriously recommend the games because they are a lot of fun especially for Star Wars lovers. You'r introduced to a really cool character who is customisable, strong, skilled and detailed. You learn a lot about him throughout the games and he needs another game! ASAP!!
The only thing that bothers me about him is that he is not the wisest character, to be a truly dangerous Sith or brilliant Jedi you need to have wisdom and control, Galen lacks that as he is clouded by his anger which does introduce a new aspect to the game but he could have been so much more if he controlled his anger and channelled it but nonetheless he is awesome! hands-down one of my favourites (is a movie adaptation deserved??)

Yoda is without a doubt the wisest of the Jedi's which immediately makes him very powerful because he knows the way of the force a lot more than others, he understands it better and clearly knows how to use it. He is the only character that Darth Sidious truly fears and from episode 3 the 900 year old creature still had a lot of fight in him. He is a master of the force and lightsaber combat and has trained some of the strongest Jedi's, even count Dooku who eventually turned to the darkside. I really like Yoda because of his skill and his intellect and obviously his strange way of speaking, its a weird way to speak but he's wiser than any of the other Jedi's. Despite his powers he is without flaws, he couldn't sense the dark side in Palpatine it took him 3 films and a lot deaths to figure it out so is Yoda as wise as we all think? why couldn't he sense it, he sensed it in Anakin who was still a child. I do prefer the CGI version over the puppetry because we got to see a lot more of Yoda, we saw him fight but unfortunately I don't think the CGI was all that great however for its time it's still pretty impressive. Its a shame that Yoda died really because he was such a significant character in the films but he's still kicking in the animated series, what would have been really great is a game where you can play as Yoda, the closest I got was Soul Calibur. I actually don't know that much about our green friend, I may do some research on him because it would be great to know what he did before the films, what battles he fought in and who else he trained.
Obi- Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan from the start has proved himself to be a brave and passionate Jedi with a lot of skill, he defeated Darth Maul as an apprentice and has fought in many wars including the clone wars. He is a formidable leader with clear strategy's unlike Anakin who jumps right into things. Talking of battles he single handedly destroyed General Greivous who wielded 4 lightsabers surely thats not easy! what also makes him great is his role in episodes 4,5,6 when he was played by Alec Guinness. Not only did he train Anakin in the prime of his life but he trained Luke beyond the force as a ghost and what makes his character very powerful in the sense of his characteristics is that he chose when to die, he was one of the last remaining Jedi's who survived the purges and he knew when his time was up and I also think he knew that Darth Vader would kill him. As a Jedi it must have been awful to fight against your own creation and friend but Obi being the master he is overcame it and tried to reason with him, that didn't work so he only had 1 other option; defeat Anakin before he destroys more lives. I really like Obi because he's wise, fun and well trained and throughout the prequels you see him progress and that was great to watch especially in Phantom Menace, that transaction from an apprentice to a Jedi Master. He is definitely one of the greats! probably one of the best along side Yoda.
So thats all today, I thought this would be quite fun to do; it was! but my lack of knowledge made it quite hard so if there's anything I need to know about these legendary characters please feel free to comment :)
I had a longer list but I didn't want it to go on for too long so here is a list of some others that did make it.
Darth Revan
Darth Vader
Mace Windu
Luke Skywalker
Please feel free to comment your favourite Sith or Jedi :)
Thanks for reading :)
Until Next time
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