Tuesday, 25 February 2014

X-men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged edition

Hello! I'm in the gaming mood this week, I've tried a few new games and have reconnected with old games that I've owned;Wolverine being one of them. I never realised how much I enjoyed this game so for £8 I think I made the right choice. Today I thought I would talk about it and despite it being released in 2009 I still believe its a highly recommendable game, especially for Marvel fans.

Why is it so good? well we finally get an interpretation that we have dreamed of! Wolverine has 6 indestructible claws that can slice through skin and yet in the films we are very restricted to what we see and what Wolverine does, they were actually in talks of creating a more graphic wolverine film. I'm not saying the films suck because wolverine doesn't slice an arm off, I'm just saying that we need to see it. In the comics he is brutal and the scenes are graphic depending on the artist. in old man Logan he puts his claws through a guys skull whilst being covered in blood head to toe... thats what we need and this game delivers that aspect whilst keeping Hugh Jackman's look and personality because lets face it... Jackman is the Wolverine.
So you can wonder through the game tearing heads and arms off, impaling enemies into spikes or even lunging at them before stabbing their neck and to top it all off the game has a lot of blood. This is what we wanted!

Another thing that is amazing about this game is Logan's regenerative ability, like the latest game Deadpool when you take damage your body heals. I played it last night and was surrounded by at least 7 guys, they were all easy to kill but I wanted to see the damage so I let them shoot me and the result is awesome! you loose clothing (apart from jeans) and flesh but even better if the damage is that severe you can actually see his adamantium skeleton (Being set on fire is also fun)
Although you're not actually invincibly it is very fun to take damage especially when you escape combat you can just watch the skin reappear slowly.

Considering the release of the game, it actually has pretty good graphics apart from a few bugs here and there but nothing major, the cut scenes are also fun and very nice to look at. What is surprising about this game and most Marvel games do it is the disappearance of enemies, once you knock or kill one they fade away, this doe happen but not until you leave the room your in so when you return its nice and clean plus its fun to see limbs wriggle around or if you lucky enough to experience a funny bug, some just float. Also a lot of games based on films aren't always good so it was refreshing to have a great game based on an ok film.

The only problems I had was the repetitive combat system, don't get me wrong they are awesome but there's nothing really that new. It reminds me of the combat system in Force unleashed, whilst it looks great and is fun your essentially just doing the same thing but what keeps it alive are the different types of enemies and the amount of enemies you get unfortunately the combat becomes less interesting and a lot of the big bosses follow the same technique so once you master it you can essentially take on any boss without difficulty.
The missions as well seemed a bit tedious, from the beginning you have a lot of fun experimenting with new things but as time goes by the game does loose that "fun" aspect because a lot of it is repeated.

ending on another positive, a lot of the film cast return to play their roles in the game which I think is very rare but its great to have Hugh as Wolverine instead of some random guy who can do an "okay" impression of him and its not just Hugh thats back! we have Will.i.am (William?) and Liev Schreiber as Logans brother Sabretooth. The cast are great and they do take a lot of inspiration from the film which is nice to see.

Overall I'd give it a nice 7/10 and here are 3 points that make it great and 3 that challenge the game.
1) Blood, brutality and gore
2) Reoccurring cast members
3) Good graphics

1) Combat soon become repetitive but is enjoyable
2) Missions become tedious
3) Nothing really challenging- however the higher difficulties do provided that challenge but the game itself don't really change, enemies just inflict more damage.

On the whole its a very fun game that consists of some awesome moves, cut scenes and dialogue but I just felt the missions let the game down however it did kinda stay true to the film, of course the last boss (weapon 11) is a pain in the ass!

Well thats it for today, there should be a review/talk about War Horse on Thursday, I'm seeing the stage show for my sisters 18th, I've already seen the film and yes I cried -_-
Hope you enjoyed
Until Next time! (Thursday)

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