Happy Easter everybody, I hope you are all getting fat! today I bring you something quite new and it is ARROW related because I want to talk about one specific character and that is of course the main villain that has been teased throughout most of season 2; Deathstroke (its flamboyant... but I like it)
When we were introduced to Slade Wilson on the Island in season 1, DC fans leapt out of their chairs and yelled "Deathstroke" (well I did anyway) it was then only a matter of time before we would see the Terminator on screen, the only question that remained was whether we would see him on the Island or in the present day ... season 2 answered that question.
We first see Slade in the present day in "Three Ghosts" despite the amount of times Oliver stated that he killed Slade on the island, we are yet to see that happen but I think it will be very awesome to finally understand what happened and how he lost his eye. From then on there are just constant reminders of Slade's progressing plan and his status, we know he's alive but no one else does! We also get to see the power of the Mirakuru mostly on the island as we battle with a new Slade Wilson who is angry and tormented by the ghost of his love, Shado. I guess its safe to say that soon the Mirakuru blinded him, he no longer understands the world only that the people responsible will pay and unfortunately it was Oliver who made the decision to let Shado die... Slade is very good at holding grudges!
The events on the Island are slowly revealing themselves but its clear that Slade has come to Starling city to watch Oliver's world burn, like Bane really... once he understands true pain and despair we will die but this is the Arrow we're talking about, he's going to put up one hell of a fight.
Following the events of many of the episodes I've come to realise that Oliver is going to have so much to deal with... Slade has perfected a small but powerful army with the Mirakuru flowing through their veins, he also has a new sidekick who also has the Mirakuru as well as Roy who appears to be an enemy of team arrow... have I forgotten anyone, of course I have! Malcolm Merlyn is still hiding from the audience but let me give you a thought, what if the Dark Archer helped. He may be a villain but he has a heart unlike Deathstroke so maybe he does it for Thea's sake, who knows what will happen but Oliver is going to need all the help he can get even if that means teaming up with the guy who almost killed him, just look at what happened to Diggle in "Suicide Squad" anything is possible in the realm of Arrow!
Anyway onto Deathstroke! it has been awesome watching Slade slowly develop into the memorable villain that was featured in the newest Batman game (which do you prefer??)
We first see Deathstroke in Blind spot where he takes out 3 bodyguards in seconds before disappearing like Arrow does, we don't get the clearest look but its a start. As soon as we saw that mask we knew there was going to be trouble and it only gets better, from there the primary focus is the Mirakuru as well as hunting Slade who taunts Oliver in his efforts but probable one of the greatest moments was the ending to "Time of Death" where Oliver discovers that Slade is alive... and in his house!
I presume everyone watched the "Deathstroke" episode because it was amazing, no we didn't see them face off but we got a well choreographed fight between Oliver and some goons and a better insight to Slade's plan (plus a good look at the Deathstroke costume!) The episode was explosive and just brilliant, we started to see Slade's plan unravel as he unleashed Oliver's secret to key characters. I have not seen the following episode yet because I'm in the UK but it looks brilliant, its like the final 6 episodes are just one big finale teasing the final confrontation where the "Unthinkable" will happen.
The thing about Slade is that we learnt to love him throughout season 1, he was a friend, a brother and a wise mentor but we secretly knew we would soon turn and it was interesting to watch the development of his built in rage and the true origin of his hate towards the Vigilante. I just hope that the final confrontation was worth the wait, one thing Arrow are very good at is choreographing an excellent fight the only problem with this is that Slade is much stronger so is a decent fight possible? he has the strength of 10 men and the mind of a strategic genius, can Oliver last?
We've seen Slade take 4 bullets to the chest so what will it take? maybe's there's a cure to counteract with the Mirakuru weakening its effects or will Oliver have to put 7 arrows in his eye to make sure he doesn't get up again, its hard to tell at this point so close to the finale but one things for sure... its going to be spectacular. There are so many possible outcomes but I honestly believe that even after the finale we have not seen the last of Slade Wilson, there's something about his character that needs to remain with the show and I think killing him would be a bit of a mistake however bringing him back would be a repeat of Malcolm's finale so maybe it would be a good idea to keep him around or let him join the suicide squad? then that would give the creators an opportunity to possibly introduce a new hero to fight alongside Oliver perhaps... its going to happen! Batman is one I think everyone would love to see redesigned for this purpose, imagine the possibilities and it seems almost certain with Harley Quinn's brief cameo.
I'm going to round it off with a brief discussion surrounded Deathstroke's new look, I've had a look round and its been getting mixed reviews (mostly good though) so why don't I just throw my opinion in there...
It. Looks. Awesome!
there is no doubt that this is the greatest interpretation of a villain shown in Arrow!
Its a mix of ballistic armor and just pure awesomeness and its recognisable, when we first saw it we knew who it was because they've kept true to the comics but with a realistic and modern twist whilst keeping the comic book element safe. The only problem I have with it is that sometimes it look like he struggled to move, like Darth Vadar's suit (stay with me) his suit restricted his ability to move and I feel the amount of pouches and belts have done the same but it still looks pretty great. The overall design is fantastic and I applaud the costume designers but I just feel its too big, I want to see Slade be able to move a bit more fluently, the show could prove me wrong later on.
But I'm just going to give you guys a second to take in the awesomeness... there we go.
Arrow has 5 explosive episodes left so make sure you watch them, I don't care if you promised your friend you were going to go out with them you need to stay in and watch Arrow, don't bother trying to guess who killed Lucy in Eastenders... watch Arrow instead!
I hope you enjoyed this post, It was fun to write and it allowed me to revisit Season 1 again. Thank you for reading
Until next time Arrow fans!
Ps... if any of the Arrow crew are reading... could you involve an "arrow to the knee" reference, I know Skyrim happened long ago but it just makes sense plus it would be very funny; get Felicity to say it!
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