Good morning people! Ok so last night I saw Noah and I promise you... I am still baffled by it, I just expect the famous tale of Noah and I got a terrifying unique take on the story which was both bizarre yet quite good, it didn't live up to my expectations but I do have a lot to talk about, so lets crack on!
Ok so if your familiar with the story of Noah then your strange but your in luck because the film is completely different, there are aspects that the story don't touch up on. But basically Noah is contacted by the creator and given a task to protect the innocent, Noah finds out that he cannot save mankind because of their betrayal so he sets his goal to save the animals and his family so that they can start again in the new world but soon this responsibility causes him to make tough decisions and take a dark turn.
The entire film is great! there are just one particular thing that is very strange and I'll talk about them before moving on to the film itself. The film introduces Fallen Angels called Watchers who wanted to help Man by doing they betrayed the creators word and were forced to roam the earth as giant ugly rock creatures... They aren't in any of the trailers or in the Noah's ark story I grew up with but after a lot of research the watchers do exist... in Judaism in something known as the Book of Enoch and the Watchers introduce technology and weaponry but the Book of Enoch does mention Noah and the watchers involvement. I think its great that Darren Aronofsky incorporated 2 different religions, I think that takes guts and I have learnt more about Noah's story I never knew it got a mention in Judaism and I actually think a lot of the negativity towards the film derived from the knowledge of not knowing that Christianity was not the only religion involved in this film, for me it was weird to see at first but after learning about them it makes a lot more sense.
The cast is flawless, you have the awesome Russell Crowe who portrays Noah brilliantly offering us a kind man that soon changes clearly impacted by his decisions and he does a fantastic job, despite his decision to allow humanity to perish I felt sorry for him even when he began to turn I mean Noah does make some disturbing decisions and he believes its what God wants even though he does not make himself known in the toughest of times. We get to see a Noah that was hidden from the stories and its quite frightening, its like this responsibility corrupted him.
We of course have the very talented Ray Winstone who portrays Noah's nemesis Tubal-Cain who essentially (in the nicest way possible) portrays the real version of Man that we are familiar with, he's Greedy, uncaring and quite violent however he did say things that to me are quite true (being a non-religious) he talks about Man forging our own destiny and if God built him in his image why does he not want him to live, Ray Winston does a brilliant job he is just amazing in it and so barbaric as well. We also have Emma Watson, Jennifer Connelly and the wonderful Anthony Hopkins who is rather funny in it.
Surprisingly there is action in this... I know! that's what I thought! and it involves the Watchers who in this scene defend the Ark whilst thousands run at it hoping for refuge but the Watchers kick ass literally! they stomp around crushing people, throwing them and using tree's to score a home run, its an absolute barbaric scene that is just awesome to watch! I did not expect it at all! I watched the Graham Norton show which showed people running towards the ark being killed by water spouts and I thought that's the most action we're going to get and I was so wrong. The action sequence is spectacular along with the gripping effects of water which is beyond superb, its not just a wave... it is gods wrath essentially so they needed it to be epic, furious and unpleasant and they did an amazing job at it!
The CGI in general was beautiful, the scenery was captivating and astonishing. There is one scene where a forest blossoms in seconds and its amazing to watch. How could I forget the animals! I think all of them are CGI and they do look very good, the movements are fluent however I would have liked a better look at some of them or a look at more of them I felt that we didn't get a good look at some of the animals. I thought I'd quickly mention the watchers who were designed brilliantly, they were strange to look at because they were deformers but there is a reason for that and they do emphasise on that quite a bit.
The film itself is very good, its dark and brooding yet quite beautiful. I give it a 7, It was a very interesting film but I didn't connect to it like I had hoped which means there was something wrong, I wasn't amazed by it, I was actually quite baffled. Everything was great, the acting, the CGI and even the costume design was awesome! I've never mentioned costume design!!! there was just something about it that held it back and I think that may be down to my religious beliefs and my unfamiliarity of some of the conventions I mean we all know the story of Noah but I don't think I know it enough which made it difficult to enjoy fully. But it was very good. I applaud the entire cast who did an amazing job and the director for taking a risk.
Well thats all for today!
I hope you enjoyed
Until next time!
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