Thursday, 3 April 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Good afternoon! with the release of the latest TMNT trailer I thought it would only seem logical to express my views, I'm not the biggest fan but their Ninja turtles... how could you not like them. The trailer actually got a better reception than I expected which I'm happy about because it does actually look pretty decent although I have my worries which I will discuss, I'm sure you already know what they are if you've seen it! if not, then Google it!

From watching the new trailer it appears that these Ninja Turtles have been given a completely new origin story, they have been made which I think is pretty cool, their past never bothered me because they were Turtles, I wouldn't care if they were hatched all that matters is that they are Ninjas (and turtles) but I know that the story does mean a lot to die hard fans which is why I believe it has received a bit of criticism. But I think its a clever take on the Turtles, its unique and quite smart although it makes me question Splinters involvement... we didn't see him in the trailer so could it be that he isn't in it or does Splinter share the same origin as the Turtles...

This first shot to me kinda teases the large plot in the film, they aren't just going to be talking down thugs because in the first few seconds we see guys with guns so I think the threat is going to be a lot bigger than anticipated, perhaps something that could affect the entire city or country. I think fans would be pretty disappointed if the Turtles spent the film stopping petty thieves. I think it will be an interesting development to finally understand the plot a lot more and to understand where it could start. Like I said I don't know much about the Turtles story so this could be something involving multiple aspects from what the fans want or it could be a different story entirely but one this is for sure... its going to big and its going to involve the most infamous villain known to the Turtles.  

Ok, this is where I had a bit of an issue... yes Michael Bay produced it. before you throw things at your computer just remember he "PRODUCED" it, the director is Jonathan Liebesman so lets not just blame Bay if it fails. I just found it weird that the Director wasn't mentioned at all. But I am pretty confident about this film I just wish the other contributors got a mention, as soon as people see "Michael Bay" they are going to hate it, I've seen it all over the internet and he didn't direct it! yes he still has a part it in but others would have had a larger part in it.

Problem number 1... Megan Fox, I loved her in Transformers 1, I felt her character spiralled out of control in Transformers 2 and a lot of the time she is just there for eye candy so that worries me, will she be any good in it? maybe, I hope so because clearly April has a big role in the TMNT universe so we will be seeing a lot of her. What gives me hope is that she isn't wearing the lowest t-shirt in her wardrobe and she is also wearing a yellow jacket, this is a direct link to the cartoon where she would wear yellow so they are thinking about the fans which is good but her character could go wrong very quickly...

I recognised these almost immediately, I have a strong feeling that this is a member of the famous foot clan and I like the way they have been modernised, I just hope we see more sword or hand to hand combat then rifle shooting. I like their costumes a lot! it looks very modern like a tactical suit so I am very impressed with there design I just hope they don't eradicate the "Ninja" element of the foot clan. It should be pretty awesome to see them battle against the Turtles and we even get a sneak peak within the trailer and it reminded me of Batman Begins where the combat is so fast that you don't see the batman and I think thats a really nice way to tease the Turtles and their abilities, they are clearly very strong and big!

We get an ok look at Leonardo! from this I think he looks pretty awesome, he's big and he has swords! what's not to love. We actually only see 2 (or 3) of the Turtles and this is our first good look. Honestly the design for Leonardo is very cool, Leo has always been my favourite because he's serious and he has swords... swords are awesome. I hoping we get a trailer showing all of the Turtles in action but for a first trailer, this is pretty good! this isn't the best look we get but I thought I would involve it because its a pretty cool shot and it looks as though this is the pivotal scene in which April meets the team. Plus the CGI looks very good.

Now this is interesting! if the rumours are true... then this is how the Turtles are created. Apparently its an alien substance, I'm not sure how true it is because they have kept this film hidden very well, I've looked everywhere and no one seems to have some solid information. It could be true and I think that would create an interesting story, its just how does a liquid produce 4 giant turtles that have individual personalities?

Shredder... enough said! we only see the helmet but it looks pretty awesome, I can't wait to see the entire suit and I hope it isn't all CGI, it would be nice to see a practical Shredder outfit. A few pictures online show the concept art and it looks like Iron Man mark 1, this mechanical suit is more than just armor but its strength and I cannot wait to see the final showdown, although I have to question the suits ability, the Turtles are very big and very strong... and there are 4, what's going to be special about the suit which will allow it to confront and take on the Turtles without making it too easy. But from what I can see it looks amazing, its detailed and menacing I just hope it can deliver the Shredder we want to see.

Now we're talking! come on... you have to admit they look badass! the CGI is very good and I'm glad they used motion capture, I think that will bring a lot of depth and realism to the Turtles but Leonardo just looks fantastic, I like the way he looks and I like the fact he is wearing something, its like a mix of armor and ancient clothing. I can't wait to see him in action.

This bit is fairly interesting because it shows that the film isn't grounded to a city, I can't tell where they are but they are definitely not in the city which in my opinion indicates the scale of the film. The short sequences shows the Turtles using their shells to ski down a mountain... awesome! with some brotherly teamwork Michaelangelo smashes into a truck, shattering it! what more can I say other than awesome! its very clear that the Turtles are going to be very good! there will be a lot of action involved and some great actions scenes, lets just hope the rest of the film isn't doomed!

I have a mixed opinion about this... I would also like to point out that Michaelangelo reminds me of Jonah Hill... anway! the effects are really cool but I'm not sure what I think of the overall design of the face specifically. It seems too humanoid for my liking and I'm use to seeing them without lips (never thought I'd type that sentence) apart from that you can definitely tell they are Turtles which is good, I'm yet to decide on the faces... Leonardo's looked ok but there's something about Michaelangelo that seems off.

Thats it! I am quite excited, I'm not sure how it will turn out but I'm pretty confident that it will be watch-able with some awesome CGI and some nice action, I just fear that the human element may drag the film down but I see no problem if the script is good. It looks as though they have a pretty good cast like William Fichtner and Whoopi Goldberg. The film is set to be released on the 8th August so its a pretty long wait although we have plenty of time to see some more footage and finally gain some intel on the film itself!

I hope you enjoyed today's post
Until next time :)

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