Tuesday, 10 December 2013

How to train your dragon

Hello people! today I will be talking about How to train your dragon, this is the first animation I've reviewed so it should be quite fun. I also wanted to thank everyone who still reads, I reached my 4000 views which is amazing so I've lined up some really cool posts that will keep me busy until next week so I hope you enjoy them :)

I can honestly and proudly say that this is my favourite animated film of all time, I don't watch many any more because I think a lot of them have become too cheesy for my liking and I know animations are for kids but look at some of the older animated films like Anastasia which was awesome and Hercules so I just thought it was nice to have an animation that wasn't very cheesy.

How to train your dragon saw Hiccup capture a Night fury unexpectedly during a dragon assault led by his father voiced by the awesome Gerard Butler. Hiccup is seen as the odd ball of the Vikings and causes suspicion when he keeps disappearing, in secret he trains Toothless to fly again and they build an unbreakable friendship but things go downhill when Hiccup is entered into the dragon fighting classes. Things get worse when the pair discover an unknown dragon that could destroy Hiccups island and everyone on it.

first thing I would like to point out is the cast, it has a lot of brilliant actors/actresses in it ranging from Jonah Hill all the way to Kristen Wiig and as I mention before Gerard Butler so its great to hear some familiar voices and after watching some recording video's it looked like they were having a lot of fun and to be honest I guess its a lot less stressful just recording your voice but the hard bit is putting emotion into something that isn't happening and Its something I would never do because I would never be able to picture something that is not happening whilst I'm in a recording box, so yeah I thought I would point out the cast.

So why is this film my favourite animation? well I have a few reasons

1) I love dragons!!!!
I have no idea why but dragons are awesome and I love it when a film includes an awesome dragon and this film has the Night Fury who is a really cool and unique dragon, the fact that it's rare is pretty cool but he just looks brilliant, not to childish compared to other dragons in this film plus he fires lightning bolts... who wouldn't love that. another interesting thing about this dragon is that he is a character, even with no voice he makes us laugh with his smile and dog like behaviour. he's not evil, he's not lurking in the shadows hiding and he doesn't speak which I was happy with, some talking dragons don't work for me unless its Sean Connery then its fine.

2) The film involves sad and wonderful moments. The moment that stands out for me is a scene entitled "forbidden friendship" it shows hiccup and toothless finally connecting and its a great scene backed up by a beautiful score composed by John Powell and I think its this bond that becomes the heart and soul of this film, you don't want them to be separated at all. I personally thought that the use of sad and meaningful scenes helped me enjoy the film more because I knew that it wasn't just a kids film it was a film that had a lot more meaning than I had anticipated. There are quite a few scenes that I could happily watch again, that being one of them. comparing it to a film like Alvin in the chipmunks which I can't watch because the cheesiness is too overpowering for me, its annoying to watch but in HTTYD this doesn't happen at all, not even once. its a fun enjoyable film that involves some memorable scenes and some pretty cool fight scenes surprisingly but overall the film does involve a lot of dramatic depth which I think is why I enjoyed it and I would happily sit down and watch it again.

3) visual designs to me are very important because when you see them in a trailer you instantly judge the film,  films with bad graphics I just can't take them seriously don't get me wrong they are a lot of fun to watch and I applaud them for their efforts and creativity I mean who sits there and goes..... "sharks... and tornado's" or "an Octopus and a shark" I think its brilliant how people create these idea's and I watch them all the time on TV. Anyway I thought Dreamworks spent a lot of time creating this world of dragons and their hard work paid off, some of the dragons looked very cool especially the boss and considering this was a dragon movie there was a lot fire and it looked fantastic, I was really surprised by the explosions and fire which in this film appeared like a liquid. they managed to create a beautiful world and this is showed off during the first flight scene which involved water manipulation, cloud dissolving and a contrast of different colours which not only showed of the scenery of it all but added the fun aspect to it and made it more real for me if that makes sense, one thing animations have always been good at is creating a sunset scene. 

so yeah these are a few reasons why I enjoyed the film, generally speaking it is just an enjoyable film to watch, it has a nice story and some great characters and its easy to follow, its one of those films that you can watch on a lazy day- I don't advise watching Inception on a lazy day!
this is going to sound cheesy but its a great interpretation of friendship and its nice to watch a film like that once in a while instead of watching death and violence all the time . I'm really excited for the sequel however I don't think it will have the same effect because this film focused on this new friendship which was very powerful I just don't know what they can bring to the table apart from a dragon war which would be great but I enjoyed the film because it was peaceful and meaningful and I don't think they could re create it.
anyway to wrap it all up I would give it an 8/10
the characters were brilliant, the dragons were cool, it was a visually stunning film that displayed beautiful examples of scenery and fantastic character designs. again it showed a meaningful story of 2 completely different characters becoming friends which was amazing to see and the risks each would take for each other, it was a heart warming film but my only criticism is that my favourite scenes didn't go on for longer.   

thanks for reading today :)
more posts are on there way including a villain special where I will discuss my favourite superhero villains in both universes.
Until Next time :) 

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