Thursday, 20 February 2014

New Logo/Banner

Today is just a little update. I've been working with a friend, His name is James Martin Jones, (Martin Jones for short because there are too many James's in this world) to create a logo/banner over the past few weeks and the final result came through today and I thought it would be fun to talk you through the ideas I had.
So if your having trouble identifying the characters I'll help you out...
that attractive guy in the bottom left is me
In the left there's the Joker from Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight
Then in the back you can see a nicely drawn Legolas from the Lord of the Rings
At the front its good old Captain America (Comic version)
And finally that flying tiny woman is the Wasp from the Avengers.

Why such a random choice of characters you ask?
well I'm glad you asked, The new name for my blog is Super Movie Madness and lately it's covered a rang of different movies from The grey all the way to World war Z but there is still that element of superheroes involved so the idea was to bring these conventions together and form a picture so we have different characters from different franchises both Marvel and DC and Tolkien's books.

Also... it actually took me a while to realise but the thing on the left is a film reel which just makes sense.

I'd just like to say a big thank you to my friend who spent his time doing this I think its amazing, its clever and quite abstract I believe so yeah... thought I'd share that with you, I'm hopefully going to try and fit it into the blog at some point but for the mean time its the cover photo of my Facebook page.

Well I hope you like it
Thanks for reading
Until Next time

if you missed my discussion on Lone Survivor you can find it here:

and don't forget to check out the content on the new pages which can be found at the top.

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