Sunday, 25 May 2014

Arrow Season Finale

Hello! sorry its been a while, but the good news is I've almost finished my exams; 1 more to go! So last week the final episode of Arrow season 2 aired and my god it was spectacular and considering I talk about Arrow a lot on here it only seemed right to talk about it.

So this is the epic finale to what was an amazing series, the way they teased the Mirakuru and the return of Slade Wilson was fantastic unfortunately it had to come to an end. So basically Team get the Mirakuru cure and have a fighting chance and Oliver is more determined than ever after recent events involving his mothers death and the betrayal of Sebastian Blood, I'd just like to say that anyone with the last name Blood shouldn't be trusted! thats like becoming friends with Mr Murder.
So Oliver and his team have a chance to get rid of the monstrous army and Slade before A.R.G.U.S level the entire city. Not only are they joined by the league of Assassins, Sara returns and Roy is now cured but thats not the best bit... he becomes the red arrow! magical!
Whilst the battle between Slade's army continues, Oliver must face the demon himself as he threatens to kill one more person and surprisingly its not Thea; its the woman he loves most. Like every episode we get a good look at the events on the island and we finally get to see how Slade lost his eye but more on that later.

So what made this probably one of the best finales! well with Arrow every episode is great so they really had to top it with something fantastic and that key moment happens halfway during the episode where Oliver's army faces Slade's in a tunnel. The action is immense and it was choreographed fantastically! we got to see each character show what they are made of and for Roy I think this was a turning point in his character that we will hopefully see more of in season 3, we see him wear a red mask and use his very own bow and it was awesome. The entire fight is just superb and although I don't think its the best choreographed battle we've seen in season 2 but it certainly was epic because of its scale (the best fight is definitely the Warehouse fight in episode 18)
The fighting doesn't stop there! we finally get to see the Green Arrow face Slade Wilson both with the Mirakuru and without. How is this possible you ask? well during a present day fight which shows Slade as a mortal now (thank you Felicity) we also get to see a past fight where Oliver attempts to fight a very powerful and angry Slade. The way the shot just changes to each fight is awesome and it worked really well because they tied in moves that were fluent with each time period for example in the present fight... Slade charges and rugby tackles Oliver and in the past its just a continuation of that move, it such an ingenious way to reflect on both characters, the way they've improved or weakened.
The one problem that I thought about was that they teased Deathstroke so much that we really needed and epic conclusion showing a final confrontation (they should have sang Les Mis!) and I think a lot of people were worried that they wouldn't top it... well they nailed it, the choreography and ferocity shown was brilliant and it was such a fluent fight that was fair and it was just awesome!

The great thing about this finale is that they left doors open, a lot of doors. This episode does something amazing with Thea and Malcolm which I am looking forward to a lot and my prediction is that Thea will learn of Oliver's secret and in rage she will train with Malcolm, at the moment she has this to never trust anyone and I think Malcolm will restore that trust issue but only with him so he may manipulate her to hate everything else so I think they have the potential to do something amazing and with Barrowman returning as a regular I think they have a brilliant idea. Another one I hope they expand on is the aftermath of Slade on the island I mean Oliver just leaves him there with an arrow in his eye... where is he going to go? and there are 2 more that must be explored...
1) Olicity- It must happen and I hope it does but the creators are doing an amazing job at teasing it bit by bit and as much as I wanted them to kiss, the aspect of saving that moment is going to be key.
2) baby Oliver- They teased the fact that Oliver does indeed have a child and of course we want to know everything about it, they wouldn't mention it if it wasn't significant so I genuinely believe this is building up to something bigger; could it be Connor Hawke? or will they adjust the DC universe to suit their needs? its going to be something special; there is no doubt about that!

The finale was just amazing, everything about it! the cast were epic as usual and I'm glad to see that Felicity took a bigger role and I was glad to see Deadshot again, for a villain... he's pretty difficult to hate. I give it 11/10, I don't need to explain myself! it was a fantastic end to an amazing finale and now comes the horrible wait for season 3... bring it on!
Thank you to the entire cast and crew who makes Arrow what it is, the fan-base for it is enormous so bring on season 3!!

Before I end today's post I thought I would devise a list of my top 10 favourite Arrow season 2 moments- these will actually be in order from most awesome to just awesome!
1) Unthinkable- Deathstroke vs Arrow
2) Unthinkable- Team Arrow vs Mirakuru army
3) Three Ghosts- the Return of Tommy
4) Deathstroke- Oliver vs warehouse thugs
5) Moira knows about Oliver
6) Seeing Red- Death of Moira queen
7) The return of Malcolm Merlyn
8) Dig's Episode
9) Oliver rescues Felicity from the Count
10) Barry Allen

Thanks for reading!
I will be back with X-men Days of Future Past :)
Until next time!!!

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